2024 WEA International Course


A dream-like WEA course in which American and Asian students collaborate. Since this is an endowed course led by Mr. Joe Meyer, who came to Japan for the 2022 WEAJ conference, and WEA-J will would open to Asian students, You will be able to participate for free. In addition, a certificate of completion of the Outdoor Leadership Training Course (OLTC), which aims to become a WEA Certified Outdoor Leader, will be issued. We will stay at the Little Rock 4H Center (AR), one of the largest organized campgrounds in the United States, as the base camp. You can directly experience the history and the front lines of America's outdoor history. Please install a one-of-a-kind experience that combines not only the training of WEA outdoor leader, the experience of historical organizational camps, but also the exchange with overseas students, into your outdoor life.


SponsorWilderness Education Association Japan
OperationArkansas Tech University
CooperationLittle Rock 4H Training Center
Meet Together:2024/2/12 Bill and Hilly Clinton National Airport(LIT)(Little Rock, AR)
Break Up:2024/2/24 Bill and Hilly Clinton National Airport(LIT)(Little Rock, AR)
*Flight tickets must be arranged individually. The transportation from the airport to the base camp will be provide by operation staff.
Participants:Outdoor students, graduate students, and young instructors (5 Japanese student and one Asian student from each country)
*Professional outdoor instructors can also participate as apprentices, as this is an experience that is difficult to do.
Instructors:Jay Post (Associate Professor, Arkansas Tech University /Former President of WEA)
Assistant Instructor: Taito Okamura (Director of backcountry classroom Inc./President of WEAJ)
*Other support will be provided by Arkansas Tech outdoor faculty.
Cost: Free (travel expenses to the US airport and overseas travel insurance are not included)
※Those who participate as an apprentice will be charged 75,000 yen. However, OLTC and LNT certifications cannot be acquired. Students cannot participate as apprentices.
Deadline: Primary deadline: 2023/8/31
Entry: Closed to register.
Contact: office@waej.jp

Course Design

DAY1Feb 124H CenterLIT Airport Arr.
Openning Guidance
DAY2Feb 134H CenterChallenge Course
Teaching Technique
Lesson Plan
DAY3Feb 144H CenterStudent Teaching
Prep. for Expedition
DAY4-6Feb 15-17Petit Jean State ParkHiking
Student Teaching
DAY6-8Feb 17-19Mount Nebo State ParkHiking
So Experience
Day9Feb 20Arkansas Tech UniversitySelf-Evaluation
Maintain Trail
Day10Feb 214H CenterMaintain Trail
Certification Ceremony/Closing
DAY11Feb 224H CenterLIT Airport Dep.


WEA Outdoor Leader Training Course(OLTC):This course aims to improve the skills of the Certified Outdoor Educator (COL), which is the basic qualification for the WEA Professional Pass. You can smoothly connect to the COL acquisition course.

LNT Trainer: A professional qualification that allows you to understand and teach the seven principles of LNT. You can hold an LNT workshop.


A set of clothing suitable for hiking (you can wash it at the base camp, but please bring enough for a certain number of days), rain Jacket, sleeping bag & pad, tableware, backpack of 60 liters or more, hiking shoes, sports shoes (tent site shoes ), headlight, replacement battery, water bottle (1 liter) x2, hiking Stock.


Jay Post

His favorite student is Chris Casel, who won the Outstanding Wilderness Educator Award at the 1st WEAJ Conference. He has a wealth of experience in Asia since his student days, and won the 2022 WEAJ Outstanding Wilderness Educator Award. He serves as President of WEAJ until 2022.

Taito Okamura

We offer a wide range of international qualification courses such as WEA, LNT, WFA/WFR. Recipient of the 2015 WEA Outdoor Educator Award, 2016 WEAJ Instructor Award, and 2019 WEAJ Outstanding Wilderness Educator Award, he is a leading in outdoor research and practice in Japan.